In my ongoing kitchen adventures with gluten-free baking, I have had a few hits lately (and, for some reason, a lot of misses). You don't need to know the details of the misses, but you most definitely want to know about the hits!
I made this pumpkin pie, along with the crust that is linked to in the ingredient list. The crust and the pie were SO GOOD! Seriously, delicious. The bit of crunch that the cornmeal gave to the crust was just perfect with the creaminess of the pumpkin pie. I slathered the top of the pie with homemade whipped cream (unsweetened, just a few drops of vanilla) and, of course, that just added to the perfection.
I'm pretty sure I've blogged about these almond butter cookies before, but they are so good that I'll do it again. Make these and your people will be happy. If you prefer peanut butter, these are super easy (few ingredients, one bowl) and are also really good. I add chocolate chips, but I add chocolate chips to everything…even popcorn.
Finally, I'll leave you with these chocolate chip cookies. They are great, but I recommend making them smaller than the recipe says - the texture is better that way.