What a fun Thanksgivukah we had! My nine year old commented, "It seems like Chanukah is getting more popular this year!" I see what he meant-- having Chanukah so far away from Christmas, and the historic nature of the convergence of Thanksgiving and Chanukah, both seem like they have brought about much more of a general awareness of Chanukah, which is just great.
Our local toystore handed out little boxes filled with gelt & dreidels; many neighbors have wished us Happy Chanukah for the first time, and it just kind of felt like Chanukah was "in the air".
We went, for the first time, the to lighting of the Chabad menorah in downtown Portland. Chabad sure knows how to throw a party--the event was festive, full of kid-oriented activities and Chanukah treats.
What made the first and second nights of Chanukah the most special, though, was having my parents here with us. I was so conscious of being the generation in the middle these past few days, and how thankful I felt to be sandwiched--by my aging parents on the one end and my growing children on the other. What a gift; what riches, to be in the middle, and feel the love flowing back and forth and through.
Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Chanukah!